Thursday 11 December 2014

Partnership Business Trust - Business Value Protection Trust


1. Protect the value of the business in the event there is a major disruption in the business due to a co- owner's death, disability, serious major illness, retirement, withdrawal from the business or any other event that jeopardizes the continuity of the business.

2. You do not wish to work with your co-owner's family members to run the business should he dies suddenly as they may not know how to run the business or work well with you.

3. Your beneficiaries would be able to get a fair price in the event you are no longer around.

4. You wish to have the sufficient funds to buy out the co-owner's share / interests from his family members should he meet with an untimely death.

5. A pre-agreed price in a written agreement and that the shares/interests you are purchasing be transferred quickly to you to ensure a smooth business succession.

The solution:

Business Value Protection Trusts (BVPT) is the solution to allow the efficient transition of the business to the other co-owner/s and the value of your share of the business is protected upon the happening of an unfortunate event such as death, incapacity, ill health, bankruptcy, divorce, loss of professional license, retirement and deadlock between co-owners.

How a Business Value Protection Trusts Helps You:

1. The Trust forms an exit strategy with the pre-agreed price for the sale to take place when the heirs sell to the other co-owners. This protects the business against any disruptions.

2. Protection against loss of profits and uncertainty about the business future success you have built up through your hard work.

3. With an insurance policy as the main funding mechanism, you are assured of sufficient and available funds to purchase the shares/interest of the outgoing co-owner.

4. Guarantees the sale of shares/interest at a full and fair value that was agreed by co-owners.

5. A pre-agreed price in a written agreement and that the shares/interests you are purchasing be transferred quickly to you to ensure a smooth business succession.

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