Friday 1 September 2017

About Big Venture Capital

Big Venture Capital is a multi expertise platform in servicing our VIP customers for their wealth management, which is specially designed in pre-retirement and post retirement. Each phase of retirement planning can be divided into 4 tiers of financial management, which is classified into wealth protection (Human Value/ Medical & Hospitalization Planning/ Healthcare & Critical illness planning), wealth accumulation (Education/ Saving/ Retirement/ Lifestyle), wealth preservation (Investment/ Long term care/ Trust Creations) and wealth distribution (Estate planning/ Gift of love). By a good planning of wealth management, it can help everyone archive your financial independence. It is not easy, but it is doable if you understand your priorities, set achievable goals and take the proper steps toward reaching them.
Many of us are ignorant about the proper financial planning and easily getting an investment mistake. To prevent this from taking place, we always emphasis how to save like the rich and upper middle class peoples in business equity, properties investment, financial securities, pension accounts & liquid assets.

In Big Venture Capital platform, our vision is helping everyone become financial freedom and most importantly the ability to provide well for our loved ones at any point in their lifetimes. We bear the social responsibility as well in reduced our country bankruptcy rate and improve our country image.

Medical & Hospitalization Planning

When you are sick, you want the best medical treatment—the last thing on your mind should be the bill.

Let HLA MediShield Rider take care of your medical bills without hassle upon admission to the hospital. Know that we are there with you at every step, and that you can focus on your treatment with peace of mind.

We understand that medical costs are escalating every year. Don’t let this deter you from seeking the best in medical treatment, and deny yourself and your loved ones the protection that you deserve; your medical insurance should provide complete coverage while still being affordable.

With 9 flexible combinations to choose from, this rider is designed to give you all-encompassingsuitable, and economical medical insurance.

HLA MediShield Rider also comes with an optional benefit called Million Extra that gives you an additional RM1 million annual limit at an affordable premium with No Lifetime Limit. Million Extra will pay you any eligible claims above the deductible amount per year.

*Cover up to age 100

*Long term peace of mind with your medical bill being taken care of up to age 100.

*No Claim Incentives (NCI)
Increase your Overall Annual Limit and Lifetime Limit by 10% if no claim and without NCI in the past 5 years to mitigate the impact of inflation in years to come. You can enjoy a maximum of 5 times of this incentive.

*9 combinations
For those with staff medical benefit, are self-insured or hold an existing medical insurance, it is economical to opt for deductibles to reduce your premium outlay significantly. You may even choose different level of deductibles (prior to or after retirement age of 60), or just get cover from first dollar. The choices are with you– a total of 9 combinations to suit you best.

*Allows Alternative Treatments
We allow you to seek Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chiropractic Treatment within 2 months after discharge for your speedy recovery.

*2 options
With additional affordable premiums, you may enhance your medical coverage with the following options: 
Million Extra – Provides an additional RM1 million annual limit with No Lifetime Limit. 
Overseas Treatments for Selected Surgeries - Extend your medical treatment to pre-authorised hospitals in Singapore, Hong Kong, and China. 

*What are you covered for? 
Comprehensive cover ranging from hospitalisation related expensesPre-Hospitalisation diagnosis and consultationPost-Hospitalisation treatmentOutpatient Treatmentcash allowance and Home Nursing Care up to the Overall Annual Limit for each Rider Year of your chosen plan. 

*Maximum benefit payout up to Lifetime Limit for the entire Rider term of your chosen plan.

*Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation up to RM250,000 per event. 

*If you opt for plan without deductible, we shall take care of your medical bill from the first dollar. On the other hand, if plan with deductible is selected, you are required to bear the medical expenses up to the deductible amount. 

*If your plan is enhanced with optional benefit of Overseas Treatment for Selected Surgeries, a separate limit of RM 250,000 per Any One Disability and RM250,000 per Rider Year shall apply, up to RM 2.5 million in aggregate for entire term.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Property Investment - Connect Investors to Developers

In an era where investments are increasingly varied, a gap was identified in the real estate market. How do you make the best investment decision? Property investors often enter the scene at an obscene price point, drastically lowering their profit margins. A need for a stronger and more direct relationship between property developers and investors is growing apparent, and so the platform was created to meet the needs of the market.

Here we provide a platform for leverage, G-Vestor is an exclusive platform that connects developers and investors. Through strategic partnership, we have forged a strong and secure property investment platform. We connect you directly with top notch developments, providing you with the best choices available in the market according to your preferences, as a platform.

Why G-Vestor?

1) Maximise Profit 

Enjoy the negotiating might of many on our platform with like-minded and discerning investors. Increase your leverage for the best point of entry into an investment. G-Vestor minimises your risks through careful due diligence, lowering your cost of entry through group leverage, and maximises your property investment returns.

2) Connect 
Investors are aware of their own strengths and abilities. G-Vestor connects you with other like-minded investors, allowing you to leverage on their strength, knowledge and abilities far beyond your own.

3) Speed 

Investors know a lot about the property market, its ins and outs. With G-Vestor, you will be the first to know. Enjoy the privilege of getting first-hand information and the option of early entrance into property investment opportunities.

4) Value 

As an investor, you have the know-how in property investment. Be part of a sharing economy that ups your negotiating power from one million to one billion.

5) Location
Most property investors have deep insight into the area they are familiar with. G-Vestor provides and equips you with the knowledge of other locations that you are unfamiliar with, locally and globally.

Friday 19 February 2016

Investment link program - HLA EverGain Plus

Through HLA EverGain Plus, you may invest your saving into HLA EverGreen Fund Series, which are designed with an unique profit lock-in system that gives you protected returns at fund maturity. The performance of the Evergreen Funds are linked to a basket of global multi assets dynamically allocated to optimize gains for your savings.

What is a profit lock-in system?
* At each point of investment, your unit price will be multiplied with a boosted factor.
* This boosted unit price will be the unit price guaranteed at fund maturity
* This maturity unit price is the minimum guaranteed you would receive.
* Whenever the boosted unit price reaches a new high, the Minimum Guaranteed Unit Price at Fund Maturity will be revised to this higher unit price.

Benefits :

1) Wide Range of Proven Funds : 
Maximize the value of your funds through strategic allocation of your investments into the various funds that we offer. If you invest in HLA EverGreen Fund Series, you will be assured a minimum unit price guaranteed at fund maturity. With this unique investment strategy, your wealth accumulation stands strong against market fluctuation. 

2) Ultimate Flexibility : 
You may option for reduced paid up plan, if you are unable to continue paying basic premiums as early as the 3rd policy anniversary, provided there is sufficient fund. Coverage may be reduced upon conversion to reduced paid up plan depending on fund value at the point of conversion. 

3) Guaranteed Bonus Units : 
Extra units are automatically added from the beginning of year 7 onward to boost up your savings.

4) Protection : 
You will have peace of mind knowing that your loved ones are secured with financial resources in your absence. 

5) Tax Relief : 
This policy may qualify you for tax relief, subject to the final decision of the Inland Revenue Board. 

Thursday 26 February 2015

Housing Insurance (MLTA vs MRTA)


1) You wish to pay off your loan if any unfortunate event happens without burden your family. 
2) You wish to safeguard your human value for your beloved family. 

The solution is simple:

Set up a Mortgage Term Assurance (MRTA or MLTA) to safeguard your home and your personal human value of your beloved family. This plan is designed to help you pay off your remaining liability to the bank, and your beneficiaries will receive the home plus the cash in the event you are passed away or total permanent disability.

Sunday 4 January 2015

UDeclare - Family Trust

Our UDeclare is a Declaration of Trust that is simple, flexible and powerful providing for your loved ones and securing their financial well-being. Under UDeclare, a trust is set up by you as trustee with Rockwills Trustee as your back up trustee. This prevents any delay in allowing your beneficiaries to enjoy the trust assets.

In our UDeclare, you need not transfer the assets yet, until any of the following events (as determined by you) occurs:
> Death
> Total Permanent Disability (TPD)
> Critical Illness
> Mental Disability
> Resignation as trustee
> Disappearance for a period of time

You may also include other specific events to enable us to act as trustee.

Benefits of UDeclare:

* Speedy distribution
UDeclare prevents delay and provides for fast distribution to your beneficiaries in their time of need or it can be accumulated for a specified period.

* Control
When you act as the Trustee, you will have full control of the assets placed into the Trust.

* Flexibility
During your lifetime, you can be one of the beneficiaries in the trust. So, at any time, you will be able to withdraw your portion in UDeclare when there is a need to do so.
* Cost savings
When you are acting as the trustee, there are no transfer costs involved to Rockwills Trustee so you will be able to save on certain fees such as stamp duty, legal fees and the trustee’s annual fee.

* Continuity
As Rockwills Trustee Bhd is your backup trustee, your instructions in you Trust will continue to be carried out providing for your during illness and disability and to your beneficiaries when you are no longer around.

* Impartiality
Your beneficiaries will also benefit from our independent position as we shall act impartially and fairly to all beneficiaries. This safeguards their individual interests in the trust.

* Protection for your beneficiaries
With the appointment of a Protector as a watchdog and advisor to the trustee, there is clear protection of your beneficiaries’ interest.

* Professional & Experienced
By appointing Rockwills Trustee as your substitute trustee, you ensure that your instructions in the trust are carried out by a professional and experienced trustee.

Saving - HLA Wealth Invest

Discover hassle-free insurance application while enjoying Guaranteed Yearly Cash Coupons (GYCC) of 20% of your Annual Premium.

Benefits :

* Receive Guarantee Yearly Cash Coupons (GYCC) of 20% of your Annual Premium
- You will receive GYCC of 20% of your Annual Premium at the end of each policy year beginning from the first policy year to 30 year.

* Potential Financial Gain
- You may receive potential upside in the form of a yearly cash dividend and a terminal dividend that is payable upon surrender or maturity of your policy. These dividends are non-guaranteed.

* Short-Term Commitment with Long-Term Savings
- Pay for a single premium with 7% rebate or 6 years premium to enjoy continuous saving for 30 years.