Friday 19 February 2016

Investment link program - HLA EverGain Plus

Through HLA EverGain Plus, you may invest your saving into HLA EverGreen Fund Series, which are designed with an unique profit lock-in system that gives you protected returns at fund maturity. The performance of the Evergreen Funds are linked to a basket of global multi assets dynamically allocated to optimize gains for your savings.

What is a profit lock-in system?
* At each point of investment, your unit price will be multiplied with a boosted factor.
* This boosted unit price will be the unit price guaranteed at fund maturity
* This maturity unit price is the minimum guaranteed you would receive.
* Whenever the boosted unit price reaches a new high, the Minimum Guaranteed Unit Price at Fund Maturity will be revised to this higher unit price.

Benefits :

1) Wide Range of Proven Funds : 
Maximize the value of your funds through strategic allocation of your investments into the various funds that we offer. If you invest in HLA EverGreen Fund Series, you will be assured a minimum unit price guaranteed at fund maturity. With this unique investment strategy, your wealth accumulation stands strong against market fluctuation. 

2) Ultimate Flexibility : 
You may option for reduced paid up plan, if you are unable to continue paying basic premiums as early as the 3rd policy anniversary, provided there is sufficient fund. Coverage may be reduced upon conversion to reduced paid up plan depending on fund value at the point of conversion. 

3) Guaranteed Bonus Units : 
Extra units are automatically added from the beginning of year 7 onward to boost up your savings.

4) Protection : 
You will have peace of mind knowing that your loved ones are secured with financial resources in your absence. 

5) Tax Relief : 
This policy may qualify you for tax relief, subject to the final decision of the Inland Revenue Board. 

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