Saturday 20 February 2016

Property Investment - Connect Investors to Developers

In an era where investments are increasingly varied, a gap was identified in the real estate market. How do you make the best investment decision? Property investors often enter the scene at an obscene price point, drastically lowering their profit margins. A need for a stronger and more direct relationship between property developers and investors is growing apparent, and so the platform was created to meet the needs of the market.

Here we provide a platform for leverage, G-Vestor is an exclusive platform that connects developers and investors. Through strategic partnership, we have forged a strong and secure property investment platform. We connect you directly with top notch developments, providing you with the best choices available in the market according to your preferences, as a platform.

Why G-Vestor?

1) Maximise Profit 

Enjoy the negotiating might of many on our platform with like-minded and discerning investors. Increase your leverage for the best point of entry into an investment. G-Vestor minimises your risks through careful due diligence, lowering your cost of entry through group leverage, and maximises your property investment returns.

2) Connect 
Investors are aware of their own strengths and abilities. G-Vestor connects you with other like-minded investors, allowing you to leverage on their strength, knowledge and abilities far beyond your own.

3) Speed 

Investors know a lot about the property market, its ins and outs. With G-Vestor, you will be the first to know. Enjoy the privilege of getting first-hand information and the option of early entrance into property investment opportunities.

4) Value 

As an investor, you have the know-how in property investment. Be part of a sharing economy that ups your negotiating power from one million to one billion.

5) Location
Most property investors have deep insight into the area they are familiar with. G-Vestor provides and equips you with the knowledge of other locations that you are unfamiliar with, locally and globally.

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